miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012

Junio 2012/June2012

Esta niña está tan grande y tan linda que me cuesta elegir qué fotos poner en el blog, son todas tan bellas. Trini camina, explora, saluda, charla (no sabemos en qué idioma), da besos, a veces, insiste en comer sola, elije su ropa (si la dejo), y últimamente aceptó ponerse zapatos, por lo que ahora puede caminar en el mundo exterior. Es un bombón de chocolate. 
This little girl is getting so big! I'm having a hard time picking pictures for the blog, she is so cute in all of them. Trini can walk and explore. She waves and talks (not sure what langauge), she gives kisses, sometimes, and insist on eating on her own. She choses her own clothes if I let her and lately she has come to terms with shoes, and so has been able to walk in the outside world.

Cara de fideos con salsa/Spaghetti face

Jugando con Timo/Playing with Timo

Linda con su vestidito/Cute in her dress

Loqueta/Silly face

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